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Under Rabbi Glasser’s guidance and tutelage, Northeast Jewish Center has significantly expanded its program offerings and the populations reached by them.  Including a thriving, intergenerational Hebrew school, individualized Hebrew lessons, festive, communal Shabbat and holiday luncheons and dinners, and monthly Lunch and Learn sessions on Shabbat. We have, under his guidance, added various Hebrew language and learning classes, specialized lectures and guest speakers, special events and galas. He has re-enforced what Northeast was always best known for - being "Haimish", while at the same time sharing his scholarly knowledge with the congregation, as well as being a leader in the community. Current thriving committees include Religious Affairs, Membership, Honors, Finance, Memorials and Dedications and House. The Sisterhood and the Men's Club continue to provide ongoing gatherings and celebrations.    Young families have flocked to the neighborhood and more and more children brighten up each event.  All of this growth is part of the Northeast Jewish Center's revitalization initiative, led by our Rabbi and Rebbetzin, along with the lay leaders of an energized congregation of both long time community residents and younger upcoming community leaders and their families, dedicated to carrying on Northeast Jewish Center's legacy for years to come.

© 2017 by Northeast Jewish Center.

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Davening Times
Friday Evening
Fall, Winter, Spring, Candlelighting Time
Summer 7:30pm
Shabbat Morning 9:30am, Followed by Kiddush
Weekday Services
Sunday 9am
Monday, Thursday and Rosh Chodesh 6:30am
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